New Iowa Law: No texting and driving

"It can wait." That's Iowa Governor Chet Culver's message to drivers, texting behind the wheel. And starting Thursday, it'll have to wait, under Iowa law.

Whether it's weaving, or jerky movements, police say there's no argument: texting while driving is a major danger."

Parents Text & Drive More than Teens

"According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, adults are more likely than teenagers to text while driving, with 47 percent of respondents saying they either send or read messages while at the wheel of a vehicle.

That shockingly high number compares with 34 percent of teens doing the same thing. Pew considers teens as minors aged 16 and 17."

A National Study on Teen Texting

Meanwhile, a recent national study offers the following advice to parents of teens:

Some positive practices for cell phone use in the car (but not while driving)

  • Complete any call or text before starting the car
  • Know directions before turning the ignition key rather than relying on a phone call or GPS to show the way
  • Check in with friends or parents only after you arrive
  • Pull over to a safe place for urgent calls or have a responsible passenger answer the phone

Federal statistics show a driver's crash risk is four times higher when the driver uses a cell phone.

Another recent study by Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found those who text while driving are 23 times more likely to be involved in some type of safety critical event as compared to those drivers who don’t text while driving*?

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