A new worst-case scenario?

"It seems we've found a new worst-case scenario," says Sharon Astyk at ScienceBlogs writing about the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Mother Jones (Is the BP Gusher Unstoppable?), The Slatest (Worst-Case Oil Spill Scenario Terrifies Readers) and Gawker (What if We Can't Stop the BP Oil Leak? The Nightmare Scenario) all picked up on a lengthy guest post on The Oil Drum, a respected group blog about the future of energy edited by engineers, physicists, and energy analysts. The posting says basically: We ain't seen nothing yet.

According to the post, the pressure building in the oil reserve that the Deepwater Horizon rig was tapped into is building and may soon erupt through the ocean floor.

That would send 150,000 barrels of oil a day into gulf waters.

Read the post yourself, http://www.theoildrum.com/node/6593#comment-648967 on The Oil Drum. As you read, think about these words from The Oil Drum editors:

Editors' note for first-time visitors: What follows is a comment from a The Oil Drum reader. To read what The Oil Drum staff members are saying about the Deepwater Horizon Spill, please visit the front page. (Were the US government and BP more forthcoming with information and details, the situation would not be giving rise to so much speculation about what is actually going on in the Gulf. This should be run more like Mission Control at NASA than an exclusive country club function--it is a public matter--transparency, now!)

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