Newt Gingrich's public Catholicism raises questions

The New York Times today features a front page article on Newt Gingrich, who is preparing a presidential bid. The Times article focuses on his new found and quite visible Catholicism and that of his third wife's.

It's a challenge for me to be charitable here.

The Times writies:

As he prepares for a Republican presidential primary run — he said Monday that he would formally declare his intentions on Wednesday — Mr. Gingrich is presenting himself as a family man who has embraced Catholicism and found God, with his wife as a kind of character witness.

Okay, let's say his conversion is real and has everything to do with his faith, love of God and desire to serve humanity. Let's say his apparently very public manifestation of faith is all about becoming an example of Christian charity to the wider world. Let's say that his new religious zeal has nothing to do with politics.

Well, then, I would all feel better about it if he were just a tad more private about his faith. I would feel better if he did not appear to be using it in a political campaign.

Let's keep an eye on how Gingrich's Catholicism evolves (plays?) in the next 12 months.

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