Nuns in India Speak Out

At a time when nuns in the United States are overly cautious about every action or statement that might anger or challenge the Vatican, they might observe recent and courageous statements by nuns from the Archdiocese of Delhi, India.
In a report in the Union of Catholic Asian News, women religious in India called the recent Vatican document equating women’s ordination with the sexual abuse of children “derogatory” and “shocking.”

Sister Mary Scaria, who is with the archdiocese’s commission for justice and peace, said that it is “nothing but an expression of male chauvinism.” Sister Shalini D’Souza called the document “derogatory,” and affirmed that she would like to see women ordained in the Roman Catholic Church.

Moreover, these nuns felt that the abuse of children in church settings would decrease if women were to be ordained priests.

Ah! It’s wonderful to feel fresh breezes once again, like the years of “open windows” after Vatican II.

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