NY Post editors captured Benedict news as only they can

This story appears in the Benedict Resigns feature series. View the full series.

by Brian Roewe

NCR environment correspondent

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On Tuesday, NCR looked at world headlines capturing the news of Pope Benedict XVI's resignation, thanks to the D.C.-based Newseum.

In limiting the focus of that post to the news museum's top 10 front pages, some obviously were overlooked, including the front page of the New York Post. Known for their provocative, sometimes controversial and often pun-tastic headlines, the editorial staff didn't miss in capturing Benedict's nearly unprecedented decision, blazed as usual in its large, white-lettered font. 

You can see the Post's Feb. 12 front page below, and browse more newspapers' coverage from around the globe on your own by at the Newseum's archive of Benedict coverage.


i'm outta here, guys!.jpg
   (Photo courtesy of Newseum)
