An open letter to Anglicans

Just got a news release from Call to Action. It's an open letter to Anglicans who might be thinking about joining the Roman Catholics.

An Open Letter to our Sisters and Brothers in Christ in the Anglican Tradition

We greet you in the name of the One who unites us all. We were disappointed with the Vatican's announcement of a stream-lined process for Anglican conversion to Roman Catholicism for individuals and dioceses who do not support women's and LGBT equality.

The Anglican tradition embodies a courageous history of seeking reform in the face of church injustice. In the last decades, you have built on that history and stood strongly in support of marginalized women, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in your faith tradition. We have watched and supported your struggles over the years to welcome all God's people equally to ministerial leadership. You should stand proud.

The majority of Catholics in the United States also hope for a day when we might be able to say that we, too, have heeded the gospel call for justice within our own church leadership. Studies show that 83% of U.S. Catholics believe that it is morally wrong to discriminate against homosexuals (Contemporary Catholic Trends Survey) and 61% of U.S. Catholics believe that women should be priests (National Catholic Reporter Survey). We know the numbers are similar and growing in many other countries around the globe. The kin-dom is at hand.

So while a few church officials cast lots for the allegiance of a small remnant of Christians who continue to favor discrimination, we know the majority of the faithful will continue to support all God's people equally.

We pray for a time when our church officials will also come to know the blessings that come from living, not as a divided community, but as one people united with God.

With peace,

Jim FitzGerald,
Executive Director of Call To Action

FYI: Call to Action is having its annual convention in Milwaukee in a couple weeks. Check out the agenda here:

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