Order of Malta aids immigrants arriving at Lampedusa, elsewhere

According to Vatican Radio:

Over 400 migrants arrived on the Italian Island of Lampedusa on Thursday after having been rescued by the Italian Navy in a series of rescue operations.

They include 83 minors and at least ten new born babies.

The migrants come largely from Eritrea, Nigeria, Syria, Tunisia, Ethiopia and Mali.

The Italian Rescue Corps of the Order of Malta is present on the Island with its medical skills and means to assist in receiving and lending care to those who arrive, often in fragile health and psychological conditions.

Vatican Radio's Francesca Sabatinelli was in Lampedusa to report on the situation. She spoke to Albrecht von Boeselager, Grand Hospitaller of the Order of Malta about the work of the men and women of the Order of Malta who are currently working in Lampedusa.

Listen to the interview here

[Tom Gallagher is a member of the U.S. chapter of the Knights of Malta.]

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