Pax Christi awards teacher of peace, video from event

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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COLUMBUS, Ga. -- In a room crowded with supporters from across the country, Pax Christi USA awarded its annual Teacher of Peace Award last night at a gathering here during the School of Americas Watch vigil.

Jim Albertini, the recipient of the award, heads the Malu Aina Center, a Hawaiian school and farm which focuses on nonviolence education.

Speaking to those gathered for the event, Albertini, who is also known for creative acts of civil disobedience, offered humorous advice to those considering civil resistance.

Recalling an incident when counter-protest against an action he participated in turned violent, Albertini told the crowd "never to picket with something you would mind getting hit over the head with."

The ceremony took place on the second floor of the conference center where the SOA Watch sessions are occurring. On the floor below the U.S. Army was hosting a gala, named the St. Barbara's Day Ball. St. Barbara is the patron saint of artillerymen.

NCR will be following the conference throughout the weekend with short story updates, photo slideshows, and video clips from the events. Stay tuned to NCRToday for coverage.

Editor's Note: Below are two videos from the Pax Christi event. The first is of musician Jon Fromer leading the room in a rendition of 'Down by the riverside.' The second is a portion of NCR contributor Bishop Thomas Gumbleton's keynote address.:

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