Pax Christi USA calls for interns

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Here's one for college age students looking for some great work experience:

Pax Christi USA has announced in a press release that they are accepting interns at their Washington, DC office for a new year-long program.

The organization, which calls itself 'the national Catholic peace movement,' is looking for college-age students who will help with outreach to students and young adults.

“Interns will work out of our D.C. office, but their presence will go well beyond that,” said Dave Robinson, executive director of the organization, in the press release. “They also are living in community, overseeing Pax Christi USA’s internship house, and offering hospitality and communal witness as part of the program.”

If you're interested, it's definitely worth a look. Click here for the full release and contact info.

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