Peoria diocese drops Archbishop Fulton Sheen canonization process

Although the Diocese of Peoria has dropped its nine-year crusade to get sainthood for Fulton Sheen, efforts to have the El Paso-born evangelist canonized will continue.

"We're very positive this is going to get resolved," Monsignor Stanley Deptula, executive director of the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation, said Tuesday. "It's a matter of negotiations; a matter of discernment."

Earlier this month, Peoria Bishop Daniel Jenky suspended the local effort. His official statement said this was done "with great sadness and disappointment," and he hoped the Archdiocese of New York would pick up the cause. As yet, there is no official word if that will happen.

"Bishop Jenky is kind of calling the question," Deptula said.
And the question is where the potential saint's body will spend the rest of eternity.

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