Police question trekking Franciscans

What a delight to get up this morning and check out the front page of my Washington Post. Instead of dismal war stories, or a Senator’s diatribe against health care reform, there was a photo of six Franciscan monks walking their way across Virginia!

According to the story, they decided to emulate St. Francis of Assisi quite literally, begging for lodging and food on their trek from Roanoke, VA to Washington, DC. It was a 300 mile journey on foot.

On the way, they were variously investigated by police, given crumpled dollar bills by a passer-by, asked for relationship advice and once in Washington – begged for photos at the Lincoln Memorial. They slept in various churches, a firehouse, a school and spent many nights outdoors.

The lesson in all this? Live the moment, step by step. Read the whole story here:

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