Police raid home, offices of Card. Danneels

Belgian police have raided the offices and home of Cardinal Godfried Danneels in relation to the sex abuse scandal in the church, according to the Associated Press and other outlets. Read the full report here.

Police did not say whether Danneels himself was accused of abuse.

"The raids followed recent statements to police 'that are related to the sexual abuse of children within the church,' said Jean-Marc Meilleur, a spokesman for the Brussels prosecutor's office," according to the AP report.

The story continued: "Police also searched the office of a committee that is investigating sexual abuse claims with help from the church, but did not immediately give details. The committee has already opened 120 abuse cases but expects the number to soon double.

"Police took documents, but did not question Danneels at his home in the city of Mechlin, just north of Brussels, said Hans Geybels, the spokesman for the former archbishop."

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