The pope and climate change deniers

John Gehring, the communications director for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good who sometimes write think pieces for us, was a "guest voice" on the Washington Post's On Faith blog over the weekend.

His piece begins:

The Pope vs. climate change deniers

The recent blizzard of bunk coming from climate change deniers giddy over the recent Snowmageddon that paralyzed the nation's capital is a classic case of putting ideology and politics before science. While the overwhelming body of evidence from experts points to human causes exacerbating climate change - this means extreme weather and more intense storms not only rising temperatures - some politicians can barely contain their joy at the recent deep freeze.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) built a six-foot-tall igloo on Capitol Hill with a cardboard sign on top that read "Al Gore's New Home." Former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R) offered this awkward taunt on Twitter: "where is al gore to explain it snows this heavily as a sign global warming is imminent." The Washington Times crowed in a bizarre editorial that "record snowfall illustrates the obvious: the global warming fraud is without equal in modern science."

While some lawmakers and ideologues blithely challenge the world's leading scientists, along with a growing number of military leaders concerned about this issue as a global security risk, they also part company with the Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI. The Green Pope, as some have called Benedict, has frequently addressed climate change and care for the environment as profound moral issues. ...

Read the rest of the commentary here.

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