Pope Opera--Ouch!

Leave it to Jon Stewart to find a fresh angle on the sex abuse crisis.

Earlier this week, "The Daily Show" led with a segment in which "Vatican correspondent" Samantha Bee compares the media exposure of the abuse and cover-up to a witch hunt, an inquisition, a crusade, unfair censorship of ideas and the Cathari (look it up).

When Stewart tries to point out that those are all things perpetrated by the church throughout history, she responds, "Oh, puh-lease. Where'd you get that, the New York Times?"

Stewart rightly points out that any other organization handling a crisis so poorly would be finished. "For God's sake, look at how sorry Domino's was for their f$%*&ing pizza. They only had a bad sauce recipe. But they've been out there nonstop: 'We're so sorry. Here's some crazy bread.'"

He's harsh, but right. Too bad cute kitties can't really make it all go away. Watch the whole video here.

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