Prayers and thoughts for Bill Callahan

Most of you know Bill Callahan through the spirit-filled work he has done for decades on behalf of the people of Nicaragua and Central America, the poor of Haiti, the rights of women and the reform of the Roman Catholic church.

Many of you know that he has been living with Parkinson's disease for many years. Now, his condition is progressively worsening. Bill is in failing health and he entered Community Hospice in Washington, D.C., yesterday, June 28. He can have visitors, but he cannot talk on the telephone.

Last Wednesday evening, we carried on a tradition of about 30 years, and celebrated our regular “Wednesday night liturgy” at his bedside. Although his eyes were closed for most of the time, he mouthed the words, praying with us. At the end, when we decided to sing the Quixote theme song, "The Impossible Dream," he smiled, and knew the words better than anyone around the bed! We plan another bedside liturgy this Wednesday at the hospice.

You can find updates on Bill’s condition on a web site that will be updated frequently:

The first time you visit, you will need to register with your first and last name and email address and create a password. In addition to reading updates on Bill's condition, you can leave messages for him in the guestbook or leave stories about Bill in the tributes section. Messages to him will be collected and read to him.

Dolly Pomerleau, who co-founded the Quixote Center with him, is sorry that she cannot respond personally to all phone or email messages at the moment because she is spending most of her time with Bill. Cards sent to Bill will be taken to him and read to him in the hospital.

We ask your thoughts and prayers for both Bill and Dolly in these challenging days.

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