Recent updates, tweets from Tom Fox in Dallas

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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NCR editor Tom Fox is 'tweeting' live from the annual LCWR national assembly in Dallas this morning as M. Shawn Copeland, an associate professor of theology at Boston College, gives a keynote address.

Follow Fox on his twitter account @NCRTomFox or If you tweet about the meeting use #LCWR in your tweet so we can all follow along!

Here's a sample of Fox's most recent updates:

At 9:45 AM CDT: This year's LCWR conference theme: Hope in the midst of darkness. Fitting.

At 10:30: Shawn Copeland to LCWR: resist idolatry, ideology; be critical of established power.

At 10:32: Copeland to LCWR: Witness an unyielding hope that resists despair.

At 10:35: Copeland to LCWR: You are called to radical openness and suffering.

At 10:38: Copeland to LCWR: Radical openness is living-in-love with God.

At 10:40: Shawn Copeland receives standing ovation at LCWR assembly.

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