Sarah Palin's reading list

by Rose Pacatte

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In recent interivews, Sarah Palin has told The New York Times Magazine, and Barbara Walters that C.S. Lewis is a favorite author she looks to for inspiration.

This prompted talk-show host and comedienne Joy Behar of "The View" to deride Palin and her choice of reading, asking: "Aren't those children's books?"

My friends and family know I am not a fan of Palin because she doesn't read (among other reasons), but Joy Behar's comments are unfair -- and a bit silly -- and makes me wonder about her understanding of literature - and what her reading list looks like.

This op-ed piece in today's Wall Street Journal, On Palin's Reading List, C.S. Lewis, asks us not to mock the value of having C.S. Lewis on our reading lists.

In full disclosure, Micheal Flaherty is a friend and I am a fan of Walden Media's persevering efforts to bring the beauty and joy of children's literature to the screen as a way to encourage reading and the understanding and life's meaning that results from literacy.

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