Seminar for media on clergy sex abuse

The U.S. bishops' conference and the Canon Law Society are hosting a seminar for media on clergy sex abuse. Sr. Mary Ann Walsh is Tweeting the event. Follow the tweet stream at: Here are highlights from this morning. Remember you have to read in reverse order:

USA Today and NCR: Where's the balance? Beal: I only have anecdotal evidence. Says it is a concern. 39 minutes ago via web

Fr. Beal says pendulum has swung from priest always being believed over victim to vice versa. 40 minutes ago via web

Answer -- there are frivolous accusations, but innocent priests need to be restored. Not all dioceses have procedures for this. 41 minutes ago via web

NCR follow up: have priests been railroaded out of fear of bishops for bad PR? 42 minutes ago via web

When facts are contestable, canonical process is still cumbersome. That's what happens in any legal system. 43 minutes ago via web

Fr. Beal says canon law dedicated to due process. And committing to a trial is cumbersome. Example: processing accused terrorists. 43 minutes ago via web

NCR asks about how canon law is not the problem, yet is also cumbersome. 44 minutes ago via web

Sr. Sharon says several congregations sent representatives. 45 minutes ago via web

Fr. Tom Reese asks who in Vatican assisted in process of streamlining process of responding to abuse. about 1 hour ago via web

America Magazine asks if there's an avenue for a lay person to accuse a bishop. Answer -- contact nuncio. about 1 hour ago via web

CNS follows up -- but does same procedure apply? Answer: it's through the pope and the Congregation for Bishops, and it's quick. about 1 hour ago via web

Sr. Sharon says, in this country, accused bishops resigned. about 1 hour ago via web

Catholic News Service asks about the penal process as it applies to a bishop or a cardinal. about 1 hour ago via web

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