September's top stories

The most read stories on in September:

  1. NCR Today, the NCR group blog
  2. Discerning ministerial religious life today, an essay by Sandra M. Schneiders
  3. Archbishop explains why he barred nun-catechist, Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk talks about the Sr. Louise Akers case
  4. Louise Akers: Silenced or louder than ever?, Sr. Joan Chittister on the Akers case
  5. Perpetual eucharistic adoration, a column by Fr. Richard McBrien
  6. Cincinnati nun given ultimatum over ordination views, the NCR story breaking the news of Sr. Akers removal
  7. Vatican asks U.S. bishops to fund $1.1 million sisters study, this news story was only posted Sept. 28
  8. Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese priest criticizes his bishop's leadership, an open letter to a bishop
  9. The God who beckons, Sr. Joan Chittister writes about science and religion
  10. In Brazil, a Catholic Mass you'll never forget, John Allen visits a charismatic priest in São Paulo, Brazil
  11. Mercy Sister Theresa Kane criticizes church hierarchy, this story was posted Sept. 29.
  12. The Republican (Catholic church) Captivity, commentary by Prof. Nicholas Cafardi
  13. Bishop Lori prepares for 'worst case' should abuse papers go public, Bridgeport, Conn. diocese tries to pre-empt bad publicity
  14. Church's 'power distance index' in decline, a column by John Allen
  15. Who Speaks for the Bishops on Health Care?, an NCR editorial

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