SF archbishop: Don't say 'gay marriage'

by Joshua J. McElwee

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San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has said Catholics opposed to same-sex marriage should limit themselves to even using the term "only sparingly," as the idea, according to him, is an impossibility.

Speaking to the London-based Catholic Herald, Cordileone compares the term to male lactation. 

"Legislating for the right for people of the same sex to marry is like legalising male breastfeeding," states Cordileone in the interview.

The good archbishop might be interested to know that in certain, rare circumstances, males can, in fact, lactate. Those familiar with podcasts might be interested in this from the "Stuff You Should Know" folks. Fair warning: The podcast uses descriptions of male and female anatomy.

As my colleague Brian Roewe reported last year, Cordileone also prefers that Catholics do not use the terms "gay" and "lesbian," but instead "persons with a homosexual inclination."

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