A short memory of the pastoral Wuerl

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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The news of Archbishop Wuerl's elevation to the College of Cardinals spurred a memory of him this morning.

When I was living in Washington for college I would occasionally head over to the Cathedral of St. Matthew for Mass. It's a beautiful church.

Once when I was there, Wuerl celebrated the Mass. Not much comes to mind about the day except one thing in particular the archbishop did.

As people were headed back to their pews at the end of communion, Wuerl gently stood on his tip-toes. He lifted his head up to look around. Then he walked down the aisle to the back of the church. He was making a waving motion with his hands toward the remaining Eucharist in the paten he was carrying.

Wuerl was making sure everyone who wanted to have Eucharist that day had the chance.

I don't know much else about the man, but I think that moment says something.

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