Sisters of Mercy elect new leadership team

Nearly 300 Sisters of Mercy from across North, South and Central America, the Caribbean, Guam and the Philippines gathered at Saint Xavier University in Chicago, Ill. June 20-30 to pray, discern a direction for the next six years and host a public witness to call attention to the need for comprehensive immigration reform.

On June 29, the Sisters of Mercy elected the new leadership team for the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas: Patricia McDermott, RSM, president; Eileen Campbell, RSM, vice president; Anne Curtis, RSM; Mary Pat Garvin, RSM; and Deborah Troillett, RSM.

Their term begins August 1. View photos.

This meeting of largest order of women religious in the U.S. is the Fifth Institute Chapter of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. On July 20, the order will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, which is comprised of six Communities with more than 3,800 sisters who serve in North, South and Central America, the Caribbean, Guam and the Philippines.

This year also marks the 180th anniversary of the Roman Catholic order of nuns’ foundation in Dublin, Ireland. The Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas is one of 13 congregations of the Sisters of Mercy serving in 47 countries around the world. The Sisters of Mercy serve people who suffer from poverty, sickness and lack of education, with special concern for women and children.

More than 3,100 Mercy Associates, several Companions in Mercy, over 960 Mercy Volunteer Corps alumni and thousands of co-workers in Mercy-sponsored programs and institutions also share in the Sister of Mercy mission, following the example of Mercy foundress, Catherine McAuley.

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