So what does a monk know about sex?

Over the last couple of days a story has been making its way out of Poland about a Franciscan friar publishing a detailed and graphic sex guide. Today the BBC picked up the story.

According to the news report, "In his book, Sex as you don't know it: for married couples who love God, Father Ksawery Knotz aims to sweep away the strait-laced attitudes many hold. Sex in marriage, the Franciscan friar explains, should not be boring but "saucy, surprising and fantasy packed". The book, which has the backing of the Polish Catholic Church, has been a hit."

Father Knotz also "dismisses those that have questioned the competency of a celibate monk to write about sex, saying his experience comes from counselling married couples and from running a website giving sexual advice for almost a year."

Given the low birth rates in Europe, perhaps this book is timely.

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