SOA: The stories of road-trips

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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The story of the road-trip is eternal. Of course, Odysseus had his famous one. Jacob's son Joseph had more than a few. And, even Jesus himself had at least two.

I've traveled by bus with 55 other Kansas City, Mo. locals to Columbus, Ga. While here I'll be reporting on the School of the Americas Watch Vigil and the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice. Check this link to see more coverage. Scroll down the page to see all the entries.

While I'll have much to report later, for now I am thinking of road-trips.

Something that struck me about the ride together are the different reasons and stories people have for their interest in this weekend's events.

Some are here because of personal experience with Latin American victims. One woman, Alice Kitchen, recently visited Honduras and spoke of her impressions of the situation in the country since the ouster of its elected president, Manuel Zalaya.

Others are here on journeys of repentance. One man spoke of his 4 years in the U.S. Army and how he feels compelled to speak out against atrocities he witnessed.

Like a journey of old, this road-trip gave each the chance to share his or her story. And, once we came within an hour's distance of the destination, those stories coalesced into a round of song and guitar - welcoming those on the bus to then spread their story even wider, perhaps to each of those they visit here.

Look for more of these stories in the next couple of days.

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