Some holy women from history

After I posted the blog, A few famous sisters, about the Washington Post web feature on famous, significant women religious, a reader sent me a note about a blog by Mary Lou Kownacki, an Erie, Penn., Benedictine.

Writing on the Monastery of the Heart website, Mary Lou says that when she first heard of the Vatican ordered reform of the LCWR, she was "as enraged as Samson who tore down a building with his bare hands." The rage has lessened to a low simmer, she continues, as she prepares for the days to come. Then she describes her preparation:

Every morning I read about a "saint" in a monthly periodical I subscribe to, "Give Us This Day: Daily Prayer for Today's Catholic" (Liturgical Press). In April alone I met these six women. ...

I stay close to these women, this communion of saints, because they remind me that, "if this is of God, nothing can destroy it." They teach me all I have to know of courage, of compassion, of creativity, of tenacity, of faith, of vision.

Click here to read Mary Lou's list.
