Stephen Colbert on the contraception mandate

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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The basic summary of the contraception mandate debate, according to Stephen Colbert?

“Obama is forcing priests to hand out condoms at Mass."

The reason the mandate is gaining so much attention?

“There is nothing we American Catholics enjoy more than defending our church’s stance on contraception. It is a central tenet of our faith. As deeply held as our belief in marble, Jesus on snack food, and unintentionally hot school uniforms.”

Those we just a few nuggets of humor found in a bit Colbert did on his show on Tuesday, which I've embedded below.

Fair warning: The video contains language and imagery that is a bit crude at points. It is a late-night cable program, after all.

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Contraception Crusade
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