Support our sisters 2

I just posted an essay by retreat master and author Kathy Coffey on the influence of women religious in her life.

Last week I reported on a letter writing campaign launched by NCR Young Voices columnist Kate Childs Graham. Kate is collecting letters in support of women religious and she will be posting those letters to a Web site, That effort is continuing.

Kate's efforts are electronic-based. For those who would like an ink and paper alternative, Voice of the Faithful has a letter writing campaign for you. Full details are here.

VOTF is asking that people:

1. Write a positive, respectful letter to the Church leaders listed below. Ask for the courtesy of a reply.

2. Share your experience of women religious, especially how your life has been influenced for the good by their ministry.

3. Express your sense of confusion as to why church officials would expend time and effort on such an investigation in the face of some many serious challengers in our Church.

4. Although e-mail is a convenient form of communication these days, for the most impact, a snail mail letter will be most effective for this purpose.

Go to the web site to get the names and addresses where VOTF wants you to send your letters.

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