There must be an app for that

by Rose Pacatte

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One morning at breakfast we sisters were talking about something that had happened between some people we knew and one sister said, "Well, we can only change ourselves." Another said, "I continue to realize this more and more that I can only change myself; I have to look in the mirror myself." And then one of the sisters said very quietly, "There's an app for that, you know." There really wasn't but we had a great laugh to start the day since we all have smart phones of one kind or another.

Now with the launch of the new "Confession: A Roman Catholic App" on Monday the blog world is abuzz with chatter and commentary abounds.

The app is an aid for confession and was developed by Little iApps with a rep from the U.S. bishops' conference and a pastor of a parish in Indiana. You can learn more about the app and download it here for $1.99. It is not a way to confess, but a guide for confession and the examin of conscience.

Jay Leno took aim at the app raising the ire of the Catholic League president William Donohue. The League fired off a press release, "Jay Leno's Pathological Condition," aimed right back at the late night television talk show host.

What's really interesting is the log that the Catholic League keeps of Leno's jibes about the church but mostly priests, especially since the clergy abuse scandal broke in 2002. Click here to see the list of Leno's transgressions.

I have to wonder at the pedagogical benefit of such a list, or the practice of keeping track of insults. What does this prove, and if it proves something, then what?

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