Three stories on the priesthood

Three recent stories on the lives of three priests are quite interesting -- one is breaking barriers, one has been a priest of 60 years and another is praying for president of France to suffer a heart attack.

Fr. Chester Arceneaux has become the first non-Caucasian priest to be pastor of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in the Lafayette, La., diocese.

From the Sranton, Pa., diocese, comes a heartwarming story of the oldest priest of the diocese. At almost 99 years old, Fr. Harry Lewis has been a priest for 60 years.

Over in France, Fr. Arthur Hervet of the church of St. Martin Esquermes of Lille in northern of France said he was turning to God because he did not believe those in power have any plans to help the Roma, except deport them.

"I pray, I beg your pardon, that Mr. Sarkozy has a heart attack," said the 71 years-old priest, saying a war was being waged on the Roma community.

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