Tom Fox blogs, tweets from LCWR meeting in Dallas

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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NCR editor Tom Fox is in Dallas this week for the annual national assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Check back here for blog posts and updates about the happenings over there the next couple of days.

Until then check out Fox's Twitter account where's he's posting short updates about the goings-on. His username there is @NCRTomFox and his page can be found at

Here's a sample of what Fox has 'tweeted' so far:

At 11:30 PM CDT: Arrived in Dallas for the annual LCWR gathering. Lots on the table for these women religious.

At 11:30 PM: Look out of my Dallas hotel room window and can see the building - and window - from which Kennedy was shot. Unbelievable.

At 12:30 PM: Joan Chittister addresses LCWR in a column Wednesday on NCR website at

At 2:30 PM: First impression at LCWR meeting: tight security most unbecoming. Women walking around talking into lapels.

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