Urban Mystic at the Crossroads: the video

by Rose Pacatte

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Today in 1992, four Los Angeles Police Department officers were acquitted of the beating of Rodney King and Los Angeles erupted in rioting. The beating of King, which had been video tapped, the trial and acquittal were seminal events in the history of race relations in this country.

Last year I interviewed the Rev. Scott D. Young about his annual pilgrimage to the site of the flash point of the civil unrest following the acquittal of the police officers in the Rodney King case.

NCR published the article and it can be found online here.

Seven minutes of the interview, taped on a Flip camera, has been edited and now can be seen here. The YouTube video is shown below as well.

I believe this outtake captures the essence of Scott's passion for the city, a true urban mystic.

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