Vatican questions to American nuns ... (and some answers)

This from a reader........

The following list of questions is taken from the Vatican's working paper on the U.S. Women Religious Apostolic Visitation:

2D. In what way are non-members, including “associates,”

involved in the governance of the institute?

(Who said associates are non-members?)

2G. What is the process for responding to sisters

who dissent publicly or privately

from the authoritative teaching of the Church?

(No private opinions allowed?)

(What exactly is the “authoritative” teaching of the church?)

2H. What is the process for responding to sisters

who disagree publicly or privately

with congregational decisions,

especially regarding matters of Church authority?

(Note the “especially.”)

3C. How do your initial and on-going formation programs

integrate the most recent documents of the Church

concerning religious life?

(And they are?)

4C. Are daily Mass and frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance

a priority for your sisters?

(Frequent penance is needed for such sinners.)

4D. Do the sisters of your institute participate

in Eucharistic Liturgy according to approved liturgical norms?

(Stifle the Creativity, Sisters.)

4G. How does the manner of dress of your sisters . . .

bear witness to the dignity and simplicity of your vocation?

(Where’s the habits?)

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