Vatican to take hard line on traditionalists' Jewish views

The Vatican will tell the traditionalist Lefebvrist group it must respect Judaism, other Christian churches and other world faiths to be fully reintegrated into the Roman Catholic Church, a leading cardinal has said, according to a Reuters report.

Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn said these reforms of the Second Vatican Council, which the traditionalist Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) rejects, were "not negotiable" in doctrinal discussions due to start soon between the Vatican and the group.

"It's not the case that Rome will let the Lefebvrists off easy for everything," Schoenborn told the German daily Passauer Neue Presse, calling the traditionalists after their founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who broke with Rome in 1988.

Pope Benedict triggered a controversy in the Church and with Jewish leaders in January by lifting the excommunication of the SSPX's four bishops, including one who denied the Holocaust.

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