Video of 27 activists arrested outside White House

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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27 human rights activists were arrested outside the White House April 10 during an act of civil disobedience calling attention to the training of Latin American soldiers at a U.S. facility in Fort Benning, Ga.

The action, hosted by SOA Watch, was the end of a week-long effort by the group to organize activists to come to Washington to call for end to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the School of the Americas.

Lying down in a symbolic "die-in" in front of the White House, the activists refused to move when asked by police officers. They were dragged into police vans and booked with unlawful assembly. Arraignment on their charges is expected May 10.

Before the act of civil disobedience, activists had hosted a march through Washington, which saw hundreds flock to the streets. Earlier in the week they had made lobbying trips to Congressional offices.

SOA Watch made available today video from the events. Take a look below to learn more and see the activists as they are arrested by police officers.

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