Voters favor clean energy and climate legislation

American voters made plain their anger over the economy and their frustration with the party in power. But they often did something else: they supported clean energy where they could.

Peter Lehner's blog on the Natural Resources Defense Council Web site claims that this week's election showed support for climate legislation and clean energy, even as Democrats in many places were defeated as the economy trumped all other issues.

"California voters defeated an oil industry attempt to undermine the state’s climate law, and most members of Congress who helped pass clean energy and climate legislation in 2009 kept their seats.

"The vote in California was particularly significant. This was the first time climate solutions were put to a public referendum. And despite the millions of dollars that fossil fuel companies poured into the race, Californians made it clear they want to build a cleaner energy future."

Lehner cites recent national polls that indicate the majority of Americans favor legislation that would require utilities to generate more electricity from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, together with tougher energy efficiency standards.

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