Washington archdiocese ends adoption program

It's official, but it's sad. After generations in the business of facilitating adoptions and foster care, the Washington Archdiocese is transferring its entire program to a secular agency, the National Center for Children and Families. In doing so, Catholic Charities avoids following a new law in the District of Columbia, which will soon require that gay or lesbian couples be treated equally with heterosexual couples in the adoption process.

When I heard this, I thought first of a lesbian couple with an adopted daughter here in the Washington area. I've known them for many years. They treat her with all the love and care any child could ask of a parent. And they are not alone. Many studies have shown that gay or lesbian couples are as responsible in parenting as their heterosexual counterparts.

And then I look around at the "under 20s" I know. When someone objects to gay marriage, they usually respond with something like, "Well, what's your problem?" Or more directly ... "Get over it."

Gay/lesbian relationships are simply a fact of life. And within 10-20 years, gay marriage will most likely be legal in the majority of states in the United States.

None of these facts address the theological objections of the hierarchy. But if one reads the "signs of the times," this is one more indication that the hierarchy needs to re-think its theology on the whole question of homosexuality.

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