Web site update: Comments are back

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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After a busy day clearing out spam, we've got some good news:

The commenting system for our Web site is back online. You can go ahead and post comments to our stories like you used to.

With the updates there comes one change.

In the past you've had to answer a simple arithmetic question to post a comment on any of our pages. From now on we'll be using a different device that will ask you to interpret slightly distorted letters and numbers. It's a system that you may have seen on other websites.

Before your comment is posted for us to moderate you'll be asked to input a series of letters and numbers. The answer is not case sensitive and will not include the most commonly mistaken characters. There are no L's, I's, O's, 1's, or 0's in the system.

Thank you for your patience as we worked through the problem today. We'll update you again as other issues or changes come up.

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