Webathon: Bright and Early Monday Morning

Good morning valued NCR readers!

This is the first weekday morning of our second annual Webathon, the one week of the year we go all out to ask for your help. This is your chance to make a donation - $20, $50, $100, $500 or more – to keep this Web site healthy and growing.

This is our make or break week, and Monday - today – is the day we set the stage for the entire week. Please, please do not wait. Donate now!

Help us to help you. We know you come here for highly professional, independent, Catholic journalism - and we supply it for you, hour and hour, day after day, week after week.

But reporting costs money. It does not happen without lots of people doing lots of work.

You also know that no one else supplies you with independent Catholic journalism, as we do.

Yes, we love our church, just as you do. We want it to be health and to grow in its mission to spread the Good News and build a more peaceful, just and life supporting world. We are giving our professional lives to this church of ours, as journalists, to keep you informed, so, together, we have the vital information needed to act as adult Catholics.

Imagine the grand silence if there were no NCR. Imagine the feeling of being cut off from others who think like you, from information, analysis and commentary about our church and the world we live in. This is virtually unimaginable.

NCR is the place Catholics come from all over the world to be informed about our church. In the last 12 months, some 1.5 million of you have come to this Web site – NCROnline.org – to stay informed.

This, now, is your chance to do your fair share to keep this site alive and growing. Think of how valuable the services we provide are to you. Even those of you who do not always agree with us. You, too, come here for vital information.

Later today I will be reminding you of all the services we offer you. They are apparent everywhere you look on this site. For now, though, I ask you to donate. Right now. This minute. It is not difficult to take the step. And it is so very important for us, here, at NCR.

Twenty percent of our annual budget comes from readers like you who donate to NCR.

Help us right now.

Make a donation. Set your self up for regular monthly donations. Build on the most valued elements of your life: Your vision of a more informed, caring and peaceful world. Help us build that world together. Starting now.

Thank you.

Donate here.

Tom Fox
NCR Editor

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