Webathon exceeds expectations - $70,000 raised

Our second Webathon finished yesterday after one week. It was a smashing success. We raised close to and possibly more than $70,000!

Let’s be clear here. The result of our Webathon far exceeded our expectations. Last year, our first year, we collected $40,000 and some pocket change. We thought we would be ambitious this time, setting our goal at $50,000. At first we were a little reluctant to announce the goal, fearing we might not reach it. But what the heck, we thought. Let’s put it out there. We want to model transparency even in our thoughts and hopes. So we shared these hopes. We went public with our ambitious goal of increasing revenues by 20 percent over the first year. We told you we wanted to raise $50,000.

As the week began to draw to a close it was clear we would go over $50,000, even $60,000. And you kept giving through Friday. What we did not anticipate was that as the web traffic let up Saturday, as it normally does, the donations would keep coming in at a fast pace. You donated some $12,000 yesterday. You procrastinators know who you are – and we love and appreciate you as much as anyone else!

Connie Stucki, who heads our development office, is good with numbers. She has helped guide this campaign from its early planning stages to this point and tells me we won’t know the exact results for the Webathon for a few more days. But I think I am on safe ground to announce the total raised this past week has possibly surpassed $70,000.

While this money is now in NCR hands, it continues to be your money. We want to be faithful stewards as we provide more reporting, analysis, commentary and inspiration.

I could not be prouder. We are all inspired to do the communication work you expect of us - and in the process help us stay informed, making the decisions that help build a more just and peaceful church and world.

The church we believe in operates though people like you doing works of charity, mercy and forgiveness.

In this light, look at the Mother’s Day story at the top of this page. Thank you, once again, women religious for your constant Gospel-inspired work.

It was my good friend and colleague Joe Feuerherd, NCR Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, who initially had the idea for the Webathon. As you know, Joe is living with cancer. It has not been easy. Even as this Webathon was underway Joe re-entered a Washington DC hospital for further treatments. Joe is both a visionary and huckster without peers. We need both here at NCR to keep the vision going. Anyone wanting to thank Joe or communicate with him can write him through our Kansas City offices.

Joe Feuerherd
National Catholic Reporter
115 East Armour Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64111

We will not have another Webathon for one more year on this Web site. However, that does not mean we won’t accept your donations during the next 12 months. We appreciate them anytime. Donations received though this weekend will be counted as part of the Webathon. So if you are reading this and have a twinge of regret that you missed the deadline, you can still press the following link and give before Connie starts her count tomorrow. You can press the “Oh, great, I can still give to the Webathon” link and join as an active participant in the NCR Webathon Build he Church Community.

I will have more to share with you tomorrow after our Web team gathers and we do our Monday morning “quarterbacking.” But know that we will enter our office feeling extra strength coming from the knowledge that so many of you care and share the NCR mission.

Deo Gratias. Alleluia, - and Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers.

Tom Fox
NCR Editor

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