Webathon: The Last Day. Your Last Chance.

Yesterday I wrote about feeling humbled by the generosity of so many contributors to this year's webathon. I have to repeat myself today. Yesterday was an incredible day. To keep us on track for our goal, I said that we needed $20,000. That is what you all gave. Thank you all so much. We haven't reached our overall goal yet, but it is close. We can make it today. This is your last chance to give. Please donate.

We do this webathon once a year. One week a year, we ask you to help us keep this website running and to provide funds to keep our reporters out in the field writing the story of the church. From the corridors of the Vatican to the pews in Platteville, Wis., we send reports out to tell the story of the church in the world. To tell your story. Often it is a story of struggle, but most often it is a story of inspiration, dedication and compassion.

NCR doesn't shy away from reporting the tough story, the stories of injustice, because those are part of the church. Any who knows church history knows that, which gives us hope for the future. History tells us that when corruption is rife and the church has lost its way a St. Francis comes along to bring reform. Or a St. Catherine of Sienna comes to speak truth to power. That is our hope for the future.

What is the future of the Catholic church? No one knows.

As NCR editor at large Tom Roberts says in the video this morning, "We all like to think of the church as timeless and changeless. Well timeless it may be, but it is changing … and it is going to keep on changing at a more dramatic rate in the coming years."

"If you want to know where things are going and what is emerging, and what the church is going to look like in the future, help us tell the story. It's that simple. We need your support," Robert says.

I couldn't say it better. Help us tell the story. We need your support. Please donate today.

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