Webathon: One grand thank you!

The Webathon turned out to be a success beyond our expectations. It turned out this way because you responded generously. In giving, you reassured us you find independent, Catholic journalism a value in your lives. Moreover, you reassured us the pastoral church, which came out of the Second Vatican Council, defined primarily as the People of God, is a church worth sustaining and building.

Today, we feel affirmed. Affirmed in our work as journalists; affirmed in the vision of church we share with you. We raised more than $70,000 last week. Our initial goal was $50,000.

Meanwhile, this was a “peoples’” campaign, meaning there were no “heavy hitters.” No single contribution exceeded $500. Most contributions were between $25 and $75. Many contributions were $5 and $10. That’s giving from the heart --and we feel your caring sentiments. We, here, at NCR, want to sincerely thank you for your generous responses. We pledge now to be the best stewards we can be with your contributions. Please stay in touch with us in the months ahead. Know how valued you are in our lives and in the life of the wider church community.

Hang in there. We can get there from here. We really can.

Tom Fox
NCR Editor

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