Webathon: Reporting is what we do

It’s a pleasure to work at NCR. I wrote my first article for the paper in 1966 from Saigon, Vietnam, when I was working there as a volunteer with war refugees. Soon as I was being referred to as "NCR's Vietnam Correspondent," I realized that journalism has a lot to do with being at the right spot at the right time.

All these years later, I think of the importance of having reporters on the scene, gathering information, doing interviews, trying to ask the right questions to get the most accurate reports.

This is what we do at NCR, fundamentally we report.

That's also what gives me the most satisfaction, knowing that before analysis and commentary, which we also do, and which many other Catholic Web sites do, we report. We attempt to get the facts right.

You see examples of this at the top of our Web site today: Tom Roberts reports on a statement issued by the Australian priests. Joshua McElwee reports on a protest and arrests at a proposed nuclear weapons plant. Dan Morris-Young reports on a law suit against the Baker, Ore., diocese, and Jerry Filteau reports on a major gathering of Catholics set for Detroit in June.

Of course, this reporting costs money. Please donate to our Webathon this week and help us continue our work.

Tom Fox
NCR editor

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