Webathon: Smashing finish. More information within the hour

It has been an exhilaration and, in the end, an uplifting experience.

Your terrific response has taken us well beyond our $50,000 goal -- and moving in on $60,000.

However, after six days of pitching NCR on this Web site, we’re also, admittedly, a bit tired of asking. It takes a lot out of one to keep asking – even when you believe in what you are “selling.” We believe in the NCR and its mission so much that many of us have given decades of our lives to NCR.

But now we come to the last day of the NCR Webathon, the stepchild of Publisher Joe Feuerherd, the wizard who also believes so deeply in NCR’s mission he doesn’t mind one bit standing in front of the tent, tickets and mike in hand, inviting folks to buy in.

At the end of this week, all of us here at NCR have a greater appreciation for the important and difficult work of professional fundraisers. Asking goes against nature for most of us - one has to learn to set aside certain sensitivities for the larger cause.

That’s what we have done, collectively, this week.

We’ve done it because we believe in the mission of maintaining a health place for loving, caring, but equally independent and, at times, hard hitting Catholic journalism.

That’s the kind of journalism we aim to offer you day after day on this Web site – and, you notice, we offer it to you free.

We are now asking you to carry a share of the load. Not a big one. Just some part of it. If enough people do, NCR has a healthy future. If not, we will struggle and somehow get through. But we won’t – repeat won’t – let this mission die.

We at NCR operate on a simple assumption. That we are all adults. Being adults, we need information, open, fair minded, honest information about the our church to make intelligent decisions and to keep it healthy and growing, spreading the Word.

Okay. This is the last – the very last chance – for you to participate in this year’s Webathon.

I shamelessly ask for your help. The NCR mission is too important to be coy.

We need your help! Donate now, my good friend, to this Webathon. You’ll be surprised at how good you will feel clicking that “submit” button on our donate page.

Deo gratias!

Tom Fox
NCR Editor

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