Webathon Update: Another matching grant announced. Donate now.

We have just received notice of another matching grant offer. Beginning at 11:30 a.m. central time, an anonymous NCR reader will match all the donations that come in up to $1,000. You can immediately make your $50 donation a $100 donation, if you act right now.

Donate now to double the impact of your gift!

As I told you earlier today, but past webathons tell us that day three can be a drag -- the early momentum of the webathon slows and we hit dry spells. This matching grant will enable us to get over the momentum speed bump and make our goal. Our overall goal is to exceed last year’s mark of $80,000. I set a personal, challenge goal for today of $10,000. If we can raise $10,000 today – and this matching grant will certainly help, we can make our over goal.

So please, donate now.

About 40 percent of our revenues come from subscriptions to the print edition. Another 40 percent comes from advertising -- and we want you to support these great advertisers. The missing 20 comes from you. We do not charge for all the services on this Web site. We want to keep it this way. So do your fair share. Donate now. It is easy. Just click on this link.
NCR provides you independent journalism. We are professionals who tell you -- without favor or fear -- what is happening in our church. This is so important today, vital for the health of the church.

Take, for example, John Allen’s most recent reporting from Rome, that the Vatican may be moving towards a more restrictive posture on annulments. Where else besides NCR are you going to find this kind of report? I bet if you do a google search on the latest news about annulments tomorrow morning, you’ll find at least a half a dozen blog postings referring back to Allen’s report. But remember, that report started here first. Your generous support will enable us to continue to keep reporters out in the field find the news that matters most to you. And that reporting costs money.

So please, donate now.

NCR Vatican correspondent John L. Allen, Jr. asks viewers to contribute to the NCR Webathon.

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