Webathon Update: Generous readers announce matching grant

Generous NCR readers from Georgia, Dana Greene and Richard Roesel, have announced that they will match dollar for dollar the next $1,000 worth of donations to the NCR webathon. If you haven't donated to the webathon yet, now is your chance to donate and double your money. Please donate now.

This is your chance to make a donation -- $20, $50, $100, $500 or more -- to keep this website healthy and growing. No donation is too small.

You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation to NCR either monthly, quarterly or yearly. The gift amount you designate will automatically be charged to your credit card as you indicate. Go to the "Donate to NCR" button, click on it, then simply fill in the box with the amount you want to donate, click on the drop-down box to specify the frequency of your gift, and complete the rest of the form as normal. This is a painless, simple means of providing NCR with the support it needs to continue reporting the news of the Church and the world.

This is our make or break week, and Monday -- today -- is the day we set the stage for the entire week. Please, please do not wait. Donate now!

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