Webathon: We are close to our $100,000 goal

Well, my friends, it is Saturday evening. This afternoon we crossed over the $85,000 mark, the amount we brought in last year. With several hours go to on Saturday we are over $94,000. Our goal this year is $100,000. Can you help us cross the $100,000 goal? I think we have a shot of reaching $100,000 by the end of Saturday. If you have not given, please give now. You will feel good for a whole year knowing you did your share to keep this Website alive and growing.
Please donate.

Increasingly we find growing numbers of our readers coming to this Website to get the breaking news and commentary, the columns, blogs and comments, which appear here daily. The problem is that few news organizations have found profitable business models to sustain news Websites. One way we have found to defray costs is to have this once a year Webathon. This is the week we ask you to contribute to keep this Website serving us all. Give now while this campaign is moving to its close. You will not regret it.

Our church is going through some difficult times, as you well know. Many of the women religious we know are dispirited in the wake of the April 18 Vatican doctrinal assessment, which found their leadership organization allegedly unfaithful to core Catholic doctrine. I firmly disagree. Many of you disagree as well. One way you can show your support for our sisters is to go to our donate page where you can donate in honor of the women. If you do so in the next few hours the money we receive – marked in “honor of our Catholic sisters” - will be used in our coverage of the women religious. So you will help us – and our Catholics sisters.

We are close to our goal. Now is the time to donate if you have not done so yet.
Please donate today.

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