Webathon: We reached our $100,000 goal!

Dear NCR community: It pleases me to let you know that late last night we reached our Webathon goal of $100,000. All of us at NCR – staff and board members – are elated and grateful. Your contributions reaffirm our spirits. The money will go to helping us defray NCRonline costs while keeping this Website healthy and growing.

Truly, we belong to a living community of people who believe in independent, quality journalism; are guided by values of openness and mutual respect; aim to build a world that is more just, peaceful and sustainable. Not bad folks to be among.

For the next few hours as we relish this moment we will allow time for the stragglers among us to add to our grand total. Remember, every dime goes to our work; every dollar, in one means or another, to sustaining this Website.

Donate here.

Today all of us should feel pride. Working together we achieved our goal. The staff and board of NCR want to express our profound gratitude to you.

Yes, we know our church communities are hurting and we face serious problems. However this is a day to ponder our collective strengths. This is a day to be proud of our faith, so rooted in the Gospels and the social teachings of the Catholic church. We share a vision of church spelled out a half century ago at the Second Vatican Council, the vision of a pastoral church with the Holy Spirit alive in the world and guiding us forward. It is a church of faith and hope. We are NCR; we are a community of believers. We are most grateful to you.

And for those who might not have joined us a donors, you still have an opportunity to do so. We are grateful to you all.

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