Where is the outrage over Mosul?

Over at Commonweal, Fr. Robert Imbelli last week posted several searing pleas for the Christians fleeing Mosul, Iraq, in the face of a takeover by violent forces of ISIS.

He asks:

What actions are being taken in the United States? Could a National Day of Fast be proclaimed, perhaps in preparation for the Feast of the Transfiguration? Could a delegation from the Bishops Conference travel to Iraq, accompanied by editors of prominent Catholic periodicals? Pope Francis is paying a visit both tomorrow and Monday to the Italian town of Caserta. Is Baghdad (if not Mosul) the visitation of greater urgency, where severely tested Christians truly need to be "confirmed in the faith?"

Indeed, this is a case where religious liberty is actually and demonstrably being denied. Any ideas for how to show solidarity? Call the world's attention to the tragedy amid all the other chaos claiming our notice?

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