Which stories were NCR's most-read in June?

Ever wonder what the most-read stories are on NCR? Well, we did, and we thought it would be fun to start a feature highlighting the stories readers flocked to each month.

The top five most-read stories for June:

5. Poverty, chastity, obedience: traditional vows redefined for the 21st century by Maureen Fiedler, posted June 15. Fiedler examined the three traditional vows of religious orders and how they are evolving to suit modern times.

4. Pope Francis downplays threat of Vatican scrutiny of religious orders by Alessandro Speciale of CNS, posted June 11. Pope Francis told a group of nuns and priests not to worry if they found themselves under scrutiny.

3. O'Malley, Chaput epitomize church's different paths by Tom Roberts, posted June 6. In this essay, Roberts looked at how two Capuchins illustrate the paths Catholics can (and do) walk..

2. Illinois bishop faces challenging audience at talk on same-sex marriage by Michael Clancy, posted June 4. Bishop Thomas Paprocki faced a hostile crowd when he joined Sr. Jeannine Gramick in a talk about same-sex marriage.

1. Francis at 100 days: 'the world's parish priest' by John L. Allen Jr., posted June 17. Pope Francis hit the 100-day mark June 20. To commemorate the occasion, Allen examined the early days of his papacy.

Did you miss one of these popular stories? Now would be the perfect chance to read it. It is Friday, after all.

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