Why nuns are heading to the Super Bowl

"The buzz anticipating Super Bowl XLVI is already astir," writes Nancy Conway in a recent op-ed on the new site cleveland.com. "However, 11 congregations of Catholic nuns are stirring things up as well."

Conway, a leadership team member for the Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph in Cleveland, explains that these women religious are members of the Coalition for Corporate Responsibility for Indiana and Michigan (CCRIM). The organization's mission is to "invest in certain businesses, including the lodging industry, to be in a position to affect social change where we see human suffering that needs to be stopped."

Wherever the Super Bowl is hosted, sex trafficking seems to swell with the festivities.

As reported in the Huffington Post, "An estimated 10,000 prostitutes flocked to Miami for the 2010 Super Bowl."

According to cleveland.com, before the crowds descend on Indiana during the first weekend of February, these sisters want to know the following:

"1) If the hotels' employees have been trained to recognize signs of trafficking on their premises; 2) Whether the hotel has a process in place for employees to document and report possible incidences of trafficking; 3) whether hotel employees and managers are aware of local groups that are working to end trafficking; and 4) whether the hotel management is willing to make anti-trafficking information available to guests."

Who says women's religious communities have an uncertain future?

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